Friday, September 23, 2011

terrible twos (again) and a new obsession.

Sorry for not posting in I think over a week!! Our lives seem to be super busy, with me picking up extra hours @ the hospital, shopping for this new weather and adapting to the change in C's personality to say the least...its been busy!
I am making a promise to myself that if I am going to vent on this blog that is supposed to be about my kids and family growing....not just how stressed mommy can get. WOULDNT THAT BE GREAT FOR MY KIDS TO READ IN TWENTY lol. So, in saying that if you do not like complainers, get off my page. C is really in every way testing my patience. I am going to be very honest, I didnt think it would happen to me. He was wonderful @ transitioning from formula to milk....and bottles to cups in a matter of 24 hours. He sleeps @ other people's houses with a little resistance but who wouldnt? He is rockin the toddler bed so you see how a mom might think that terrible twos would sort of "bypass" our home. AND I am here to say I was so overly WRONG-O. It seems as though one morning he woke up and decided to act out every second he could get. He will just randomly scream bloody murder and think its hilarious, I really feel for my neighbors (i may be baking cookies after M is here so they dont call the police). Eating is just grosse now, I usually do not care about the mess, he is still experimenting with textures, flavors etc but you can tell when he is making messes with every intent. We can barely go to Target anymore with out me making sure im loaded with snacks, drink, binki, night night bear and a toy usually unpaid for via target. Thankfully so far he does not realize when I give the toy to the poor cashier and tell her to hide it NOW!!!!!  And lets just forget the grocery store...he goes for small trips for necessities, but I spare Kroger the need for Advil after we leave.
C, someday when you and your little bro read this, please remember how much I love you....with all of my heart. And also remember mommy is pretty tired too from being pregnant. But we will get through this (obvi). for the fun part of my late post...PINTEREST! OMG YALL! You dont even need to google any ideas for anything anymore! Pinterest has everything at your fingertips literally. Here are some of my new "pins"
So, you can save this "pin" on a board in your own profile gives great ideas from anything from food to photography.

This is the best part to me, I can not seem to put an outfit together, and you can use these outfits as idea boards!

and then there are decorating ideas...perfect for the holidays. I really enjoy decorating more for the season rather than the holiday, so I can keep the decor up longer. thanks mom
Thank you Pinterest! You have made me feel like im more creative, even though all i have done so far is click and pin lol.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

hey all! I'm back! Did you miss me?? We have been so busy around here! With the RSP (reveal the sex party) putting C in a big boy bed, than buying a steal of a deal real toddler bed life is hectic! I guess I better get used to this, but I can not lie im super rediculously stoked. So im going to write a bit but mostly post pics! So here is sorry C the first set....
                                                                                               **10 weeks 2 days**
                                                                                      **11 weeks 3 days**

                                                                          **thumbs up from mason, 19 weeks

                                                                                           **19 weeks hand**

                                                                              **19 weeks you guessed it**
Here are a few pictures from our little family get together to tell them all the good news! But, I get the bad mom-blog award because I was so into talking to everyone and making sure both families mingled (harder than it seems) I didnt take pictures till almost everyone was gone :(
                                                                   **grammy, nana, papa & big brother**
                                                                     **your mommy, daddy & big brother**

                                                                        **grammy, mommy & big brother**

                                                                **big brother with his big boy twirly whirly straw**

                                                                              **this is all that was left, the cake was a hit!**
all in all the party was great! Nana got Mason a blue and white fleece blanket, and we all got to be together. God was watching over my family especially your aunt kathy! Her husband and her were supposed to go on a bike ride that evening. But Kathy came to our dinner instead of going out on the bike. Well, Bruce was in a head on collision and ended up not only totally his bike but a left sided brain bleed. I am so happy my aunt came to be with us. Bruce is home and healing slowly, but his bike is loss.

OK, So here I go just like every other mom with the big boy bed transition rants! We took his crib apart last week. We do not want to be transitioning him to his new bed while having a new born, so we chose to start this now
                                                                           C and J taking the crib apart :(

                                                                                                  C in his "new bed"

                                  C trying to take apart the annoying spinning toy, notice mommy doesnt stop him

Bed time, not so bad to be honest...a few difficulties here and there, we are waking up way too early for my liking, but its getting a little better a week in. We usually can here him in there playing with something but ten minutes later...silence! So, thank you C for not making your mommy anymore sleep deprived than her pregnant self should be. luvs ya!

Nap time, is A WHOLE NEW TOPIC! we can put him in his bed and he doesnt scream...which is obvi a good thing, but 5 out of 10 naps I find him on the floor sleeping?!? Dude, even though your carpet is pretty comfy to walk on....does not make for a nice place to nap. PLUS! You sleep soo much longer in a bed. Who woulda thought?!

im sorry, I can not help but laugh, take pictures and send them to daddy. I promise I pick you up and put you in your comfy bed!

And finally we felt ok enough to spend the money on a real toddler bed to really get you settled. Mommy found this steal on Craigslist 50 bucks. I win. Once again, you are sleeping in it but just being goofy with your wake up time. I may do what a friend of mine does...she put a pack of pop tarts, a juice and a book so you will stay in your room and let us sleep ha ha. So wont start that now, but if you continue 530 am when M is may be seeing a light breakfast and drink on your bedside table.
aww we are hoping to get you and M new bedding so it somewhat coordinates. Im a dork I know. S for now you get this. C, I really hope you are ok with all these changes ahead of us. Mommy and Daddy love you to the moon and back...always.

And finally...C's 18 month check up :)
This appointment was ROUGH! You had some pretty bed diahrrea and just did not want to be there. Can't blame ya, but you were a bit on the dramatic side. And then you had a blow out in the room and even the dr (who loves you!!) made J take him to a different room to change him lol.

this is the only place (on the floor) and only item (mommys planner) that made you not scream. Like I said, DRAMA.

                                         Is this mommys appt or C's??

sorry for the super long post, maybe i shouldnt be so lazy next time :)

Saturday, September 10, 2011

our family grows.

Due on January 31st, J and I will be having a baby BOY!!!!!! His name will be Mason, although still working on the middle name. He is as of 19.1 as perfect as can be. God is soo good to us <3. pics to come once i set up my scanner.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

So much to little time.

Hey all! So...we have had a busy week!!!! First of all the weekend was SO UNEVENTFULL. Mommy had to work Saturday, Sunday, Monday and a couple hours on Wednesday. Does not sound like much but 12 hour shifts...let alone 3 in a row @ the hospital can be nuts. Especially when the Labor Gods are not playing nice.  Imagine pregnant girl running up and down the halls with a patient on a bed. Luckily, the Preggo has not been the one on the bed, If i do not remember that I can not run the way I did months ago.

So, on a less complaining note...
I am so lucky to be building the relationships with some of the women I work with. I have never been really close to a lot of females so this is a little strange, but I love it. Because of some of those relationships...We help one another out with babysitting, and pay each other by "paying it forward". Friendship does not get much better. Trully.

WEDNESDAY: I went to work for a few hours and really felt like my brain was not in attendance. I was so nervous about our ultrasound. Most people think of the 19 week US as the gender US but working in L&D you learn that its to look and make sure everything is measuring up, the spine is completely fused top to bottom, inside the brain etc. L&D puts the life of an unborn child in check for you. I honestly did not care one bit about the sex. I needed to know that J and I made a so far healthy baby. AND WE DID!!!!  Everything was perfect! Thank you God for giving us this gift! I know there is still more time but this is still a big US. Yes, we did find out the sex...

Thurdsay: was a no good, yucky, boring day. J had to work in the morning, BUT would be home @ 9 because he signed up to take Florence, KY's Fire/paramedic exam. Lord please be with him and let him score well.
A bunch of us girls from work were supposed to go to the Cincinnati Zoo, but the rain was just too much. So we stayed in...went to Target (duh) and picked up another icing and a little onesie. I absolutely could not resist. This is what I have been working on most of the day. This is my first stacked cake. I would say for my first cake it isnt half bad. Considering I used a butter knife to smooth. lol

**really hope you cant see through the icing. I "caked" the icing on there!!**
                                                            awww....theres baby :)
                                                 I can not wait to tell everyone tomorrow!!!
Friday: we will have a jam packed day! Aunt Jessie is moving down here!!! She is going to UC! J is helping her move in with the rest of his family, C has a DR appt for his 18 month appointment and then the Reveal the Sex party @ 7p.

Friday, September 2, 2011


Today was nothing out of the oridanary...OH WAIT YES IT WAS! Someone whose name starts with a C decided he wanted to wake up @ 515 when daddy was just about ready to leave for work to say bye bye!! This mom does not do 515 unless it is either one of two things....a planned alarm clock or a sweet newborn. Of course I would rise to the occasion if something were wrong with C BUT HE WAS FINE!!
So fine in fact he would not let daddy put him down and so fine that he ate a full breakfast @ 530. Thank the good ol' coffee God that J left me some to take the edge off. The only "good" part about him waking up so early is he willl go back to bed in an hour or so...secretly he doesnt do 5am either. obvi. But the downside to that (sorry kinda confusing) is mommy doesnt just go back to sleep once she is up and has had a jolt of caffiene!!

After C woke up from his extra beauty sleep we made a picnic lunch and headed out guessed it, Miami Whitewater Park. You just dont understand. It is so wonderful for so many reasons!!

1. C can run around with a plastic cup for HOURS and is completely content. AND ITS ROPED!
2. Mom can sit down in the shaded grass or like I do...sit inside the water zone and mamarazzi your poor kid.
3. Said mom can pull her hair back into a ponytail or even a make-up...bc of the oversized sunglasses and the best part...
4. Your attire can range from a swimsuit to casual. But i rock the boyfriend tank and running shorts. classy.
So anyways, we love this place. And thankfully so does C. ha ha
Than we came home did the laundry, started the crock pot with a slow cooker chicken recipe, took another nap (trained him well didnt we!!), cleaned up the house and played.
                                **this is what dinner should look like...well see what mine looks like!

Well, unfortunately I will have nothing great to write about this coming weekend (LABOR DAY WKND). I will be working at the hospital Saturday, Sunday, Monday and half a day on Wednesday. So I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and holiday! Really wishing we could be together as a family, but this is the downside to the wonderful job God has blessed me with.

p.s. Im trying to leave pregnancy notes to remember I look HUGE! I have felt this little one probably about ten times in the last week or two...all sickness is gone. HALLELUJAH. We are finally set on a girl name...not a clue for boys. I hope that means something...I just have a feeling, which really should mean nothing but I crave anything bitter for example...mustard...pickles and lots of them! And this time, this baby seems to be sitting a bit higher than the last time (from what I remember). Well see come this wednesday!!! We planned a little dinner party @ a restaurant to tell both of our families since J's will mostly all be in town. I can not wait to surprise them!!!