Monday, November 7, 2011

lazy day

Tpday J had to work and so it was a C and Mommy day. I love these days and hate them. I love them because he only loves on me all day. Even though he still shouts for his best friend....IM SORRY his dad on an hourly basis. I feel like I am the center of his world for a day. Sorry J, a tad bit jealous it seems. We really didnt do a whole lot today...we layed around and watched polar express, I drank my coffee and then made punpkin chocolate chip pancake. OHMYGAWSH! I only use a tiny bit of chocolate chips not necessary that early in the am especially for a roudy 20 month old :)

I had some errands to run, some laundry to do, laundry to FOLD BUTTT....I only managed to run one errand...& that was to TARGET. Are we shocked? SHOULDNTBE. But I did not do much damage...i returned an awful maternity sweater sorry Liz Lang your denim and sweaters...they blow. BUTT I did pick up a few cool items. I bought a 2.50 (ha ha ha) pillow for between my legs when I sleep the tossing and turning has begun with a vengeance and I need a crappy thin small pillow. 2.50 should do it lol. Target also had a buy one get one half off on Dr. Brown bottles, so I picked up new bottles!! I was pretty stoked! We of course had to get some of these...

IF YOU HAVE A TODDLER WHO WILL NOT EAT MANY VEGGIES AND PREFERS ALL THE FOOD YOU NEVER WANTED TO FEED THEM BUY THESE!!!! He thinks they are a snack and full of more vitamins and natural crap then you could ever pack into a day. SOSERIOUS!
And, lastly we picked up a dvd for C. Robots? I have never seen it, but it was 5.00 who can beat that!? Hopefully we can transition into other cool disney movies instead of Polar Express every 2 hours. One can only PRAY.

Well, J will be home in the am and he have a packed day of errands and such because next week momma will be WITH OUT CHILD AND HUBBY FOR 6 DAYS!!! Dont be too jealous, I have picked up a ton of extra hours @ the hospital so my poor preggo feet and back will be so so swollen. But so far I do have planned to get a pedi, and have my first girls night out with work friends to see Breaking Dawn. Who is sooo excited!!! This mom <3

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween!!

What a great, awesome, perfect Halloween!! First off, J and I were both off! SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!! I KNOW!! AND...this was the first time C was trick or treating so sharing this first was so nice. My cousin Heather had invited us over to their home along with a handful of the family to trick or treat with her little boy (he will be 3 in march), Tallie (3 in July) and of course C. He is finally starting to keep up with them, and you can tell he loved every second of it. We all brought a crock pot meal to keep us and the kiddos from eating too much candy, the food was sooo good! Our Nana made her potatoe soup, someone made cupcakes, I made bbq sloppy joes with hawaiian bread YUM! And there was buffalo chicken dip (a must have @ our family get togethers it seems) and a few other items. Here are a few pictures from our evening....

Today and tomorrow, mommy and C are staying in today. We decided to let J have the car to take to work because he is going straight from one station to another tomorrow morning @ around 5ish, and well...we need some beauty rest!! So that means C and I are laying around the house for two whole days. This may sound kind of boring to some but I am exhausted and need a few days to relax!!
But, knowing me I have many things to get done around the house....
1. write down what needs re organized in closets
2. find the best prices on organizing baskets, containers etc.
These 2 items alone should keep me bust for quite awhile lol. Hope everyone has a great first day of November!!!

Side note...we have started what I like to call pre-potty training. It really just consists of C making HIMSELF aware of when he poops and telling us. So, we bought a bag of sweettarts and everytime he tells us he pooped he gets 2 sweettarts!! So far he has been telling us everyday! Im just not sure what the next step should be. We are trying to just leave it up to him...