this is possibly going to be the longest post on the face of the earth. So if your bored than dont read this. Its for my records...NOT YOURS. So to keep it organized im going to write in order of days starting with the worst and best day of my life. Their are moments when you look up at ceiling, sky, out a window wherever and thank our GOD for blessing you. To think what could of happened devestates me. But I have to remember and hope that all went well because Papa was with us. Making sure nothing happened to Mason and I. I knew I named him after his great grandpa for a reason :) we go....
DECEMBER 30, 2011.
1030am I drove to my 35 week OB appointment by myself. Jordan stayed home so Cayden could nap. Im a big girl, dont always feel the need to have my husband at every appointment :). The appointment started with our normal...vital check and the ask any questions. I once again told my OB that I was feeling a little less movement...nothing crazy but just feeling less. When she went to use the doppler we thought we were just hearing a prolonged accel. But the longer she left it on, the higher his little heart raced. So, being that I said once again I was feeling less movement Iwent to the NST for 20 minutes of monitoring which is where the craziness began. After an OJ and about 30 minutes, little bug was just not acting like a 35 weeker should on the monitor. He was flat. We than ventured down the hall where I got a BPP. Its another US that looks for movement from each limb, lungs, taking "breathes" and a few other items. He passed with flying much that we were playing around and she gave me a 4d pic of him snoozing on his placenta :).
Back to my Dr I went down the hall. All the while texting my husband with updates every step of the way. But I just didnt feel good about this. Something in my mommy brain said we should have a baby today. Little did I know my dr and I were in agreance he needed to be monitored longer. Off to the hospital I went. The best part about working in Labor and Delivery...they are all your friends, so I was not scared the way some people may of been. I had my girlfriends right there with me. Nothing was strange, I knew what ti expect...little did I Know what was to come. I went on the monitors for AT LEAST 4 hours of monitoring....they put me in my own room (also benefit of working there) and a new form of HELL broke loose.
5 minutes into joking around with my nurse, and watching Mason on the monitor we went joking to flipping me from right side to left side...and back again. The next thing I knew the residents were rushed into the room with the Ultrasound. I didnt really know what was going on till they turned me toward the monitor and I was my baby's heart rate in the 50's. A baby's heart rate when in utero should be between 120 and 150. All of the sudden I panicked...I knew what happened to moms and babies in this situation...I Had no iv, no epidural, no foley cath the only on my side, was the loving familiar faces I see evryday at work telling me it would be ok and I was being crashed. Which is hospital talk for we are going to knock your ass out to get your baby out and save their life. I knew when I walked into room 20 I was having a baby I spoke the words to Krystle, my SCOB nurse.
It is one thing to be running a pt back to the OR, and feeling so bad for them!Oh how terrified they must be! But to be the one watching the lights on the celing flash by you in seconds is beyong words. Nothing is more terrifying in life than not being able to help your baby and trusting others (your friends) to work fast enough. Papa was watching over for us because once in the OR, what felt like hours they found his little heart racing! AND having those accels he hadnt had in hours.
Phew, that was a close call! They didnt want to take him if they didnt have to, he was too early. They would if needed but the little bug just needed more time to cook. I had the best possible team by my side. I had a friend holding my hand...and all my friends making sure I was taken care of. I owe them my life. I am thanking God everyday that they were there to try to keep me calm! we finally made the decision that it was safe to leave the OR baby still inside. But we knew this could happen again, so I was moved to a high risk room...literaly one room from the OR just in case he decided to act up again. In that room my husband magically appeared along with my mom! Everything is ok as long as they are present. PS not exactly the best time to be with one car. oops.
I was given an epidural just not numb yet, given my foley (ouch) and we had a fluid called D5 basically fluid with sugar in it to try and wake him. But we all knew deep down I was getting to meet Mason on Dec. 30, 2011. My nurse, my friend Jen had been on the phone with my dr and by 4 oclock we decided Mason was trying to tell us something, and whatever it was he was better on the outside than the inside.
Side note...for the last month I hd been having dreams about a friend who had a similar situation with not feeling much movement and not so perfect monitoring and she lost her baby at term. I couldnt stop thinking about this, i had a gut...bad feeling and Iwas thanking God that we were getting him out of me. I dont think I would of been able to sleep at night, even if i would stayed on the monitor continously.
ANYWAYS...after a few more hours, a more controlled situation...and my dr, and an awesome resident and nurse by my side we had baby via repeat c-section!!!
i can not begin to thank the friends...for what they did for us. Not only doing their jobs medically speaking, but for the love and support of everyone. All the visitors, prayers, dinners, phone calls, texts, facebooks posts etc. You all will never know what it means to my family until you are on that table. I pray that God will keep an extra eye on you and your families everyday like he did mine.
my doctor, my "due any day" nurse and I in recovery <3
I am goign to make this into 2 posts. The next one will be much less dramatic :)