Sunday, February 26, 2012


What can I say Mason did not learn from his big brother about sleeping through the night by any means! God really spoiled us with the best baby ever when Cayden was born. Cayden was the quietest crier, so much so we used to call him a wimp for his weak little cries lol. His brother on the other hand is NOT a quiet crier, i waking every 4 hours and last night I do not think he slept at all...therefore mommy didn't sleep and god bless my husband! He had to work in the morning which means I am usually on my own with baby duty and likewise when I have to work. Last night was not the case it was a team effort and let me tell you how nice it is to have a partner, not just a husband to help. I have to admit one thing, Jordan has quite possibly changed more Mason diapers than me. He is so amazing, I know I have said this before but I really feel God put that man on earth for me. He is my rock, and saved me from myself. LITERALLY. tear.
                                                         Watching a little Lion King.                                        

A little something for Cayden:
Hey bud! When you were born I would find myself staring at you just sobbing because I could not believe that you came from me. I could not believe you were sent from God. Or rather, that I deserved such a gift! Cayden, you have changed mine and daddy's lives in so many ways we can not even begin to explain it all. Someday we will tell you of how we met, fell in love and how God blessed us a little sooner than planned with your beautiful self!

You have changed so much in the last 2 years! When you were a baby you really did not like to cuddle, all we had to do was lay you in your crib and you were out.
NOW though, you hide behind my legs as though that is your protection from the world.
YOU love your baby brother and will not go to sleep until you have kissed him night night
YOU still sleep with night night bear and your darn binki (were working on the bink)
YOU have ZERO volume control. NILCH. NONE.
YOU learned to jump about 6 months ago. One of the first times you let both feet leave the floor was with your nana and papa. Papa was so proud of you baby.
NOW you jump all day long and because we live in a condo we are constantly telling you to keep your feet on the ground. (EPIC FAIL)
YOU love to help mommy cook and bake. If I put anything into the oven I must turn the light on so you can watch it.
YOU help unload the dishwasher and surprisingly know where everything goes!
GREEN is the color of everything. BUT you occasionally know blue.
1-2-3. You are so ornery about counting in order. You have done it a few times BUT you will if we let you jump off of something.
YOU are wearing 2T clothing and a size 7 shoe!
I think you are going to have mt thick hair (I'm so nervous about your red hair) so we use the trimmers on a 4 to keep you looking put together.
YOU are so loving. You love to kiss your daddy and you love to push our faces together and make us kiss.
THERE is nothing you wont eat. LITERALLY. You are a bottomless pit.
WORDS you are saying....GO!, HI, BYE, mom, dad, baby, nana, papa, papaw, mamaw, aaron, wyatt, nathan, jessie, tracy, kim, jason, mason is mimi??, grammy, bell (annabelle), truck, choo choo, ball, baseball, football, pizza, nana(banana), there are so many more...
LATELY you have been forming sentences!

For your birthday I made you pancakes with sprinkles and you thought that was the coolest thing ever! then we went to the Newport Aquarium. That was a blast! It was the first time you and daddy had been there and I had been once before with Girl Scouts a million years ago. Later tat day while you were napping I went to Sam's and Kroger and got stuff for your party! Than we just stayed inside and played.

That next day we had your birthday party at daddy's firehouse! You were so so excited I could barely stand it! Both sides of the family came (not all but most) and also 2 of Mommy's friend from work and their babies! I am so blessed to have made some great friends @ work. They are so great to me. One of them owns a great camera and graciously took pictures for us. So here are a few from the 24th and 25th.

Cayden we love you to the moon and back. We hope you had a great birthday!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Quick trip to VW & green snot! YUCK!

This past weekend we made our first trip out of town with two kids. We are pretty good about making sure we leave at a convenient time, usually around nap time if we can help it and we just bite the bullet and end up eating out every time. We are also still able to pack myself, Jordan, Cayden & Mason in one duffel bag. I'm awesome, I know. Until we decide we need to purchase a van we have to be very creative with how much we pack.

This being our first trip, I was very uneasy about how Mason would do not only because the drive but both boys have NASTY green snot (and kids who are getting sick ARE NO FUN to travel with)...but I was hoping he would take after his brother and sleep once the wheels started to turn. That is one of the best parts about traveling with Cayden, he passes out about ten minutes in with out fail. And if he does not, we have the DVD player as back up :) LIFE. SAVER.

This is what happens after half hour of Lion King...doesn't he look like a little book worm???

Once we got to VW we pretty much went straight into party time! Jordan took Cayden to see Papaw while us girls had our fun. Mason got to hang out with his Aunt Jessi most of the party. My kids are very lucky to have family that showers them with so much love! And come on, it is pretty nice to be able to relax and not have a baby connected to your hip at all times! (until night time of course).
The next morning after the shower I made the kids bacon and eggs for breakfast. Everyone else in the family are pretty late sleepers so I usually get to hang out with the littles for awhile. I really like having them sit and watch me cook for them. I can not wait for my boys to do the same thing every morning.

Doesn't he look like he is so proud to be sitting up with the big kids! I really should be paying my niece and nephew when we are all together, they keep him busy FOR HOURS!

And of course I have to show the picture of my son looking like a complete goof!

Tomorrow is Valentines day!! Yes, I celebrate V-day! It doesn't have to be an expensive deal, but I do strongly believe in going an extra mile for the ones you love the most. Jordan and I are taking advantage and going on a date! Our favorite sitter Bailey will be coming over to play! Cayden loves Bailey, which is good...because I trust her 100%. We clicked from the very beginning, I Just hope that when she graduates from nursing school she will still watch my babies, OR find me her clone :)
Everyone have a wonderful Valentines day, make sure you show your loved ones some extra love tomorrow! Oh! time out! speaking of love, Cayden is doing the cutest thing right now! Whenever we are holding him, and the other is standing right next to us we are usually giving him kisses or something. So, now he is taking his hands and pushing our faces together to kiss in front of him! Serious! How cute is this?? It just goes to show that children are very aware of their surroundings and I hope it is because he sees how much mommy and daddy love one another <3

This is just a picture I didn't add into the last blog post, but it cracks me up :)

Saturday, February 11, 2012

I clearance & NEW STROLLER!

As a mom It is one of my sole pride...and well a hobby to shop for my boys. We are not made of is not at my disposal at all times by any means. And to be completely honest its hard to spend big bucks on clothes because you KNOW they are going to grow right out of it in less time that it would take for the item to be worth the purchase! SO, in saying that I have made it basically my goal in lofe (sad I know) to find the best possible deals on theit clothing but also keeping them looking GOOD! I love for my kids to look like a million bucks...and to be complete honest; for others to look at them and wonder how I afford all their digs. Well, I have one phrase for you...END OF SEASON CLEARANCE!

I have figured out the key to awesome clothes is buying tons and tons of clothes at the end of every season for the following years season. For instance, all fall and winter is on MAJOR clearance @ Carter's so not only did I pick up a few more shirts for right now...but for about 110 bucks I got 4 pairs of pants, 3 full zip fleece jammies, 5 hoodies, shoes for summer play, a pack of white t-shirts, and oh..I dont know..15-20 Long sleeve tops! GO ME! Even my husband was highly impressed. And I have to admit, I am a GOOD clearance shopper...but I was speachless. Also, Mason got about 4 items! It feels so good to save so much money. MAkes it much easier to buy stuff for my husband and I because clearly we are more expensive than the kiddos :)

Speaking of clearance...I also got a GREAT deal on my new favorite baby item!!! I have been researching for awhile and finally picked out my new stroller! Not only did I get free shipping, but I also got about 45 bucks off with a competitors coupon. LOOK!!
I cant wait for it to get here!
We have a busy couple days ahead of us...including my SIL's baby shower, V-day date night and I go back to work :( SAHM was fun while it lasted. (someday)
Everyone have a great weekend!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Week in Pictures

Nana came to visit the boys on Thursday! Cayden gets so excited to see his Nana. I just hope he gets as much time as possible with her. I would hate for him to not remember how wonderful she is.

Just Cayden and I hanging out watching Lion King! Lion King is your FAVORITE movie right now!

 Our cool kid in his new shades! I think he is finally starting to like wearing them.

Passed out as usual. I hope his little face starts to clear up soon!


Daddy and Cayden.

This was the first outfit I bought when I found out we were expecting a BOY. And almost 6 weeks in, the Newborn size FINALLY fits my little bug.

This week has been so absolutely wonderful! Jordan has been off of work for 7 days, and will be off until the 17th! It is so nice to have him home to play with Cayden and help out around the house. I really could not do any of this with out him. He is beyond super Dad. Love you Hubby, thank you for dealing with me and my hormones. ;)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Mason's 1 month

Our little preemie is finally gaining some weight and filling out those arms and legs!
You weighed 7 pounds 9 ounces and 20 inches long my little bug.
Here are some things about you right now,

1. you roll over from belly to back!
2. you like to nurse right before bed, but are OK with bottles the rest of the time
3. you love to sleep on your boppy, but at night you sleep in your sleeper from Grammy
4. you drink 3oz of breast milk mixed with sensitive similac
5. you only fit into about 5 NB outfits!
6. you wake every 3 hours at night, and love to not go to bed till after ten
7. you are starting to smile at mommy, and you love to hold your head up like a big boy :)

at your one month well visit with Dr. Thind

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

catch-up and quick wednesday post...

Today...we are I am busy busy! I got myself up (well Mason woke me up), cleaned, showered SHAVED MY LEGS, made coffee and started laundry all before 6 am! I hope Cayden keeps sleeping past 630 so I can get up before him and get a start on the day, the day goes so much smoother when I can get things started before he wakes up. Thanks "dude"!

our totally awesome "dude" (he loves to call us dude)

I have my first hair appointment in a very long time with my friend Stephanie! We are doing the whole nine and eyebrows! I really need the pampering, I just love to have someone play with my hair! Time to get the crock pot going, were having BBQ homemade sloppy joes for dinner and baked sweet potatoes!

We have been pretty uneventful around here...just enjoying this obnoxious weather! We were even able to take Cayden to the park for a little while yesterday! Mason stayed nice and snuggled in his car seat. It was nice to get out and enjoy some fresh air, this weather does make me very nervous though! I'm just waiting for all the snow were NOT having to come in DROVES here soon and shut down the whole city. Lets hope not!

We had visitors from Indiana come in for a few hours! They could not stay long but it was so nice to see the family. I made a pot of chicken and wild rice soup, and the kids ran around and played. I once again CAN NOT WAIT to buy a home so we can have lots of family over and....send the kids to a play room or basement HA!  Nate made me my new running schedule when I am cleared to start working out. I am so excited about this because I am planning on working towards running a half marathon in September @ the Wright Pat Air Force Base!! Please keep me in your prayers that I can stay focused and accomplish this goal of mine.

Uncle Nate holding Mason

Cousin Wyatt and Mason 
he is not much for babies until he can play with them :)

Cousin Maleah & Mason, she was very nervous, but looked like an old pro!

 Aunt Tracy, she loves to cuddle with new babies in the family <3