Friday, March 30, 2012

fun sun-shiny thursday &TERRI-BLE 2'S & pinterest Friday!

On Thursday we got to spend the morning at the zoo as a family! It was so much fun. Even though we have a zoo pass, we always seem to find some new pathway to a super cool exhibit. If we would ever move out of here I would seriously miss the Cincinnati Zoo! It has so much to offer for children and adults! So any who, we found a new place it was a P&G (proctor and gamble) rain forest building. I am pretty mad I have never been here. There are not a ton of animals but what was available was way cooler than I could of hoped for! See pictures below. There was also a boa-constrictor but  this mom does not...i repeat does not do snakes. Rather it be a gardener or that big huge thing that made me want to cry in a corner.
                            not sure the exact name of this bird...but he was still very cool to look at!

but this guy on the other hand was SO cool! He is a sloth! And man does he have some killer abdominal! He was so graceful-only holding on with his razor sharp claws! You can get so close, I was surprised he was not in a cage?

                                                  Here are some more of the boys and daddy <3
                                                     My little bug :)

                                           He looks very unhappy...we are going through another stage.

cool kid. DUH.

                                            The amazing tulips all over the zoo!

Now, obviously we are entering into our terrible two's...and each day MIGHT be considered a little worse than the next. BUT today topped them all. He was screaming for no reason from the moment he woke up. LITERALLY.

Which was nice to hear, because for the first time I was truly embarrassed. I did not have another arm to swoop him up because I had Mas, and I didn't want to put Mas down and walk out with Cayden. So a fellow Mom gave me some advice which I had been doing anyways but it helped to hear it...she said just walk out. Literally walk out the door and he will follow and shut up. So...I did just that AND DO YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED NEXT...he watched me walk out and proceeded to laugh at me and have a convo with the same lady giving me advice!!!

So, needless to say she helped me wrangle him out of the building and politely said, "man, my kid would of been running to me crying if I would leave him". And I politely said, "he hates me because I beat him...I wouldn't come to me either"!! HA HA I'm kidding. ABSOLUTELY kidding. He is just THAT ornery. Now, I probably should of gone home but to be honest I just did not feel like it. So we went to hobby lobby and I conquered 2 pinterest ideas I have been wanting to do. Well, the one is not so creative but cheap...modern and cute. The other...AWESOME.
this is my Easter basket make-over! I'm going to add something to the handles maybe a bunch of tied ribbon?

this is my big project! It was super easy! Message me if you want more details!

I hope everyone has a great weekend! I will be working!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Moon dough & a bug.

Well it was another hot one today! I woke up to a condo that was almost 85 @ 7am!!! Unheard of.

So there are so many positives to being the only girl in your home, I'm sure I could list them all day...but there has always been two things that stuck out the most for me...1) spoiled. Purely spoiled. That one needs no explaining. And 2) I won't have to kill any bugs or whatever. Ever. Except for on the days when my husband is not home And the boys obviously are not old enough to kill for mommy. So being the strong woman I am, ha!! I nearly stepped on a water bug when we got up that morning. Of course I kinda freaked (oops) and so cayden looked at me like I had 2 heads. So I did what any adult would do and put a cup over it until I had the "balls" to dispose of him. Poor cayden decided that he was going to be Afraid of our new caged pet. Not going to lie it stayed in its cage for at least 3 hours. Give me a little credit, I will give my life for them and protect them till the end but...bugs are my limit!! Absolutely kidding. Don't judge me. So anyways, the whole time he refused to walk by our new pet! He would forget for a second but than once he layed eyes on this thing he would literally walk backwards and put his arm up for me to come Carry him across the danger zone :) he is too cute! So I finally picked up the cup and tossed our pet down the toilet and for the rest of the day he said "whered it goooo??" lol
We kept ourselves busy with me cleaning and Cayden playing out on the balcony. He kept wanting to take the play dough outside and I was not in the mood to scrape it off the cement so I referenced good old pinterest and found a recipe for moon dough! The real recipe has more ingredients, but I found one recipe that I could do! It was so simple to put together consisting of flour and baby oil. Although I don't ever have oil so I used vegetable oil!! HE HAD A BLAST! It is the messiest craft ever like serious it was everywhere, and I mean everywhere. He thought it was hilarious where some of this dough made it to lol. He played with this stuff for a good two hours it was so nice.

Once again j will be home in the morning and I work Thursday Friday. I just continue to pray god will notice our hard work and reward us with our dream home.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

its hot!!!!!

OK, so I have lived in Cincinnati my entire life. We are known for our STRANGE weather. It is nothing new. That's for sure. BUT 85 in March? What the heck! Do not get me wrong, I am loving the warm weather...but I prefer a slow transition into the next season. Which is why I have such a love for fall. The weather is not too hot, not too cold! It is a good thing I plan well when it comes to my kids clothes because it is way too hot for what WAS in their dressers. I have had to take the tags off and wash a bunch of tees and shorts. Poor Mason though has no shorts, because no one planned on A) him needing shorts until after 3 months and B) no one expected this weather!!

J is at work for the next 48 hours. It is so hard being a fireman's wife sometimes. On some days 6am can not come soon enough! Seeing him come into our room when he gets home is by far the best thing to wake up to when he is gone!

So since the boys and I were stuck at home all day & tomorrow J left me the double stroller. We went for a walk through the neighborhood and I got Cayden out to play with his football @ the basketball courts. But he was more interested in throwing rocks! That is until some big kids came out with their balls and he was all about playing with them. I was not surprised that he has not wanted anything to do with his mama and wanted to be a big boy <3. He is growing up so fast! After we played we came back to the house and had a little treat. Than of course he needed a bath. I wish I could of just hosed him down, he was such a mess! But isn't he the cutest dirt ball??
Mason was thoroughly enjoying this nice weather! He may be the happiest baby ever. I got these great shots of him in action smiling....

Hope everyone has a great evening! It is supposed to be another hot one tomorrow. I am secretly hoping for a thunderstorm! :/

Saturday, March 17, 2012

2 weeks in pictures.

This has been a much harder post-partum for me then with my first. I never thought I would be affected by the "PPD bug", that is what I have named it. I am defintly not affected like some I have seen, is definitely present in my life. I am trying to just read my bible on my family and pray about it.
It is so hard to be ok with having post partum because there is nothing I would change about my life! We are trying to be a I am working my booty off to save some extra money for decorating because we already know I have planned my home out to the T in my head already. What new home owner and wife does not?

Mason is growing like a weed! It is unreal how fast it seems life is going. He is smiling & trying so hard to "talk". On March 14th he FINALLY slept through the night for the first time! We are now on day 3, and I'm hoping to move him to his crib in their shared room in the next few days! How nice it would be to have our bedroom back and make it ours again. Let me tell you it is not a relaxing at all to have a pack n play right next to your head! And it would also be nice to not wake up every time I hear him stir. It is time for him to start sleeping on his own. I have so many mixed emotions over this...It marks the end of babies for our family which I have a love hate relationship with right now, but I think it will be the best decision for us.
Here are some pictures of the last two weeks!

                                                     1st photographed smile!!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

2 Dr appointments & a STORM!

Yesterday was a very eventful day! It seems like we either have absolutely nothing going on or our day is so packed the day slips by us. Yesterday was definitely a slip right by you kind of day! For starters I had my MOPS meeting. I wish we had our meetings more than once a month because I look forward to those so much. A chance to chat with other young moms who are going through some of the same things I am and who are Christian based makes the bond even stronger. This was only my second meeting but the girls have already made me feel so at home. At this meeting we decorated Easter bunny cakes and let me tell you we had a blast. I definitely fit right in with my group we are all a bit sarcastic and really just need to laugh, I LOVE IT. Here are the before and afters of mine...

                                                         this is the plain cake we received...

 So, I ended up using the purple icing instead of the pink so I didn't feel the bunny would work so I got creative and made a pig. Everyone thought it was pretty funny :)

I took Cayden to MOPS with me so he could play with the other kids. For some reason he was clinging to me and was crying when I tried to drop to him off so he ended up coming with me and hanging with the girls for a little while until Amanda, my friend from work who invited me to this group attempted to take him to the nursery and it worked!
After MOPS was over we went home and Cayden went down for a nap. Then I went back out to the grocery store. I was a little nervous because we were apparently in the center of some possibly dangerous tornadoes! So needless to say I tried to make this trip short and sweet. I hate storms. Jordan was possibly getting called into work it was looking that bad. Fortunately though we were able to still take the boys to their 2 yr and 2 month well checks. Both of my boys are so healthy and on track. I get pretty sad when I go to these appointments, not because they are growing so quickly but because they are so healthy and I always imagine the kids who are there and are not. I am always praying for those kids and their mommies :(

(every picture I take of this kid is blurry because he can NEVER sit still. UGH.)

my cute little naked boy :)

 So, by the time we got home the storms were hitting all the cities they said it would. Accept for us. So we thought...because once I started to cook dinner the tornado sirens went off! So off to the bathroom we went. Mason went into his car seat and we put Cayden in the bath tub with some toys and a snack while J and I checked out the weather on the TV and I watched outside. Thank God the storms went around us! Th storms went north and the tornado's stayed South. We were so lucky. The weatherman said we have not seen weather like this in almost ten years and if it would have hit, it would have been devastating. Thank you God for keeping my family safe.