I am making a promise to myself that if I am going to vent on this blog that is supposed to be about my kids and family growing....not just how stressed mommy can get. WOULDNT THAT BE GREAT FOR MY KIDS TO READ IN TWENTY lol. So, in saying that if you do not like complainers, get off my page. C is really in every way testing my patience. I am going to be very honest, I didnt think it would happen to me. He was wonderful @ transitioning from formula to milk....and bottles to cups in a matter of 24 hours. He sleeps @ other people's houses with a little resistance but who wouldnt? He is rockin the toddler bed so you see how a mom might think that terrible twos would sort of "bypass" our home. AND I am here to say I was so overly WRONG-O. It seems as though one morning he woke up and decided to act out every second he could get. He will just randomly scream bloody murder and think its hilarious, I really feel for my neighbors (i may be baking cookies after M is here so they dont call the police). Eating is just grosse now, I usually do not care about the mess, he is still experimenting with textures, flavors etc but you can tell when he is making messes with every intent. We can barely go to Target anymore with out me making sure im loaded with snacks, drink, binki, night night bear and a toy usually unpaid for via target. Thankfully so far he does not realize when I give the toy to the poor cashier and tell her to hide it NOW!!!!! And lets just forget the grocery store...he goes for small trips for necessities, but I spare Kroger the need for Advil after we leave.
C, someday when you and your little bro read this, please remember how much I love you....with all of my heart. And also remember mommy is pretty tired too from being pregnant. But we will get through this (obvi).
Ok...so for the fun part of my late post...PINTEREST! OMG YALL! You dont even need to google any ideas for anything anymore! Pinterest has everything at your fingertips literally. Here are some of my new "pins"
So, you can save this "pin" on a board in your own profile gives great ideas from anything from food to photography.
This is the best part to me, I can not seem to put an outfit together, and you can use these outfits as idea boards!
and then there are decorating ideas...perfect for the holidays. I really enjoy decorating more for the season rather than the holiday, so I can keep the decor up longer. thanks mom

So sorry "Jordan Jr" is giving you a hard time