Today was quite boring in our home. I did not feel like going anywhere and spending money, and well really did not feel like changing out of my jammies <3 So C and I sat around, ate breakfast...played...watched The Polar Express...ate...lunch...napped....watched The Polar Express....played and well to conclude the night watched half of WHAT DO YOU THINK...TPE. DUH.
In between all those playing mommy cleaned out a closet, packed a bag of pillow for goodwill or our church. Threw together my now go to
Loaded Baked Potato Soup...UMM...DELICIOSO YALL!!
And...while C was napping I felt the need to bake...and what else does a preggo make in the fall you ask??? This..
Pumpkin Bundt Cake. It says bread on the title, but lets be real this is no bread. So here are a few pics of my happy cooking day :)
These are the Ingredients needed...
And...the finised product. C loved it of course :)

Oh! I almost forgot, so you know those moments when you want to pat yourself on the back for being a great...not just good mommy and daddy? Well, we have obviously had moments when we feel like we are doing something right...but recently our son has started to sing along to our christian music station that we listen to everyday...KLOVE! That station has changed my life oddly enough. It brought about a change in me that for one, lead me to be baptized again and saved. Best feeling ever. But anyways, back to C. There is a song by Jeremy Camp called You are the way...its a beautiful song, but there is a set of verses that repeats na na na na na...jesus!! so on and so forth...well everytime we turn on the radio he sings the "na na na na". It is so cute and you can tell how excited he is. But the best part was today...I had klove on in the tending to some cleaning, a song comes on, and before I even knew that was "his" song, he said..."Mama, NA NA NA NA Na", and started clapping and dancing around in circles. I was besides myself. What better for your child to listen to...than Christian radio BUT TO ACTUALLY ENJOY IT! IS AMAZING!! GOD IS SO GOOD, AND HE SHOWS IT EVERYDAY, WE JUST HAVE TO STOP AND SEE IT ALL AROUND US...

Hope everyone has a great day!! Im closing with this picture that i played with on my new phone...this shows how blessed I am...It doesn't get much better than this. A father and sons bond.