Monday, October 17, 2011


Im only going to say this guys, bein pregnant...running around with a 20 month old...working...running a home...and preparing for a new baby IS HARD F'ING WORK!!! So, please excuse how long it has taken me to post.

First and foremost about I am 25 weeks preggo. Last week I became viable!! WOO HOO! that basically means my babe could survive outside of my body but to be honest survive would be its near only accomplishment, so once again...WOO HOO for 25 weeks!! You have given me a run for money little boy...I have light contractions usually once or twice a day (never w/ C), I feel like you could just fall out, heart burn has started wayyyy early, I can not stop eating with clothes really just dont fit at all anymore, im all up in daddys side of the closet and drawers, and when I show myself in public I can only wear maternity. You are kicking up a storm more so @ night, but since this past week pretty much all day long :) We went to our 23 week appt couple days ago...and you are looking and sounding fabulous <3. Till next time little bud....
ps you still have no middle name????

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