Mommy: I have been really trying to get this baby weight off! I am finally back down to my weight pre baby (both of them)! But it most definitely does not look like it (blaming shift in gravity on this one!) So my next goal is to start to tone this "gravity" issue.
Daddy: this guy has been interviewing for full time fire/medic positions, and I think finally hit his break! BUT (there is always a BUT in our life), the levy must pass or else no job. Sheesh, he deserves this more than anyone I know. He loves what he does, he works super hard and ya know, is just time to get a break. We have given up a lot and embraced our wonderful life that our Lord has given us and we sure have been praying about this. I just hope that he is hearing our prayers.
Cayden: ooooh boy. Bud, you are for sure ALL boy. You are (I pray) in the prime of your "terrible twos". Everyday seems to be a struggle. Sometimes we just have to send you to your room for a few so you can collect yourself and lets be real here, so we can collect ourselves! But, when we open your door because you have stopped screaming
Mason: you will be 7 months tomorrow and you have 2.5 teeth...began sitting up with absolutely no assistance about 2-3 weeks ago. You have the most contagious belly laugh and still are just the sunshine of our day. Your beautiful eyes are still blue. And although everyone asks when you will get hair, you do have hair its just blond! You love to be held but usually facing out to see your world. You are still sleeping through the night but for the last 2-3 weeks you wake up for a 4-5 oz bottle than your back out until around 7-8, you eat breakfast and back down at 10. You kinda like your sleep ha ha, I try not to think about what it was like "to sleep when they sleep". BULL. You are enamored by your big bro and you laugh harder when he plays with you than with anyone else. It is so sweet to hear you and your brother laugh with one another. No words yet but mainly yelling and an occasional mouth movement like you want to say something. You had your first table foods on 7/25. I gave you some corn bread (were super healthy up in here) but you did have a little scrambled egg dad made you a couple days later.
Well, that is a "quick" update of us. Here are some pics to smile at.
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