So...usually I try to combine topics when I post because I'm a terrible blogger. BUT I just can not hold this one back. After 2 and a half years of my husband applying...testing...driving (all over GODS green earth), not getting high enough score of 100?!?!?...our time has finally come.
(For those that do not know he has had two fire jobs as a fire fighter/paramedic which pay (kind of well) BUT in OHIO they offer NOT A SINGLE STINKIN BENEFIT!!!!!! when your wife and unborn child are almost crashed in an OR and you have to take off days a whole month early, instead of the days you had originally planned!! YUP...there is no PTO to cover that. Thanks for the extra stress OHIO. It was pretty nerve racking watching my baby all tachy and not a single acceleration to be noticed...look like absolute shit on a monitor and my husband searching for people to help him cover his shifts and trade them all out.
ONLY IF YOU GET HURT ON THE JOB DO THEY "HELP". I have choice words which I will hold back.) No benefits sick, no vacation, no PTO/GTB, no health insurance no diddly nothing. That's where my job comes in. The Lord blessed us with the job I currently have we could not have been more blessed with our circumstances. For many reasons...most of which being...I refuse day care and even If I found one I was semi comfy with I would probably never be able to afford it! We needed me to have a job that kept me home on the days he worked, and something that kept my foot in the door with nursing. And boy did God come through! He is great RIGHT??
He interviewed for a local department a couple of weeks ago. They loved him (obviously) ha ha And all seemed a go. BUT (there is always a BUT in our life). There would be no new job for J if this Special fire/police levy did not pass. Dear Lord, I was considering going door to door with my kids. "please, please really old DO REAALLY want the fire department to come with in an hour to your home catching fire...RIGHT?...NO? UGH. The levy would be held on August 7, 2012. That day came slower than molasses. My stomach was in knots. This very decision by people we have never met would change our lives dramatically. And by the grace of God, the ballots were in thankfully people are not as dumb as we think and it was pretty unanimous that YES we should let the fire/police still exist (DUH!?!?).
J is @ work and he calls me to tell me he has his final chief interview. Which is the final step! After this, he will be an official full timer. My heart is dancing all around just typing this. My hubby on the other hand...he is showing not a single emotion (go figure) and keeps saying, "ill believe it when I get the offer letter or phone call". Can not blame the guy, I would be the same way.
SOO...Can you PLEASE PRAY. Pray HARD. That everything goes well and he gets his offer and we can celebrate all of our hard work (ie: going to a one car family to save money). And by celebrate I mean go buy a new to us car so we can stop taking family trips to work. I dearly miss my quiet drive to work, with my KLOVE radio and my coffee. SIGH.
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