Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Transitioning is for the birds.

Before I start typing away at what I really want to say....I want my future self to remember what I meant to say...what I'm meaning by this post is we are blessed. I get to stay home with my kids nearly every day and I work when I want. That is the perfect life to me. It makes zero sense that we would have more incoming money from me going optional with my position; and that is how I am reminded of how good our god truly is. He knows that our family needs more stability. I thank him every day for giving us the ability to see how much smoother out lives will run.

Staying at home has made me see just how much our home has been put on a back burner because of how busy our lives have been. We are clean-OCD-mon hoarding individuals. But it became so hard to constantly switch roles as provider than parent very 1.75 days. It's for the birds. Really.

I have been organizing, and pitching crap on a daily basis. I have figured out it will be financially more responsible to meal plan for two weeks and shop once a week for small essentially that our kids gobble up like bananas and apples! Woo....I need a fruit farm.
I am to the point of pure over load. I do not know what to organize next and I kind of just feel like I need a pro or someone more obsessive than I to come give me their two sense. Any takers?!?
I have however gotten to plan more play dates...have more organized meals and have gotten a lot done. I would really like to just get to a point where I am just maintaining our home rather than constantly changing it😁.
My next battles are kitchen pantry...coat closet and shoes, and than printing lots of pictures to hang. I am really moving away from "art"...I you consider target art lol. I want out home overloaded with memories of our family. I also want an inspiration wall...I want to take old frames and spray paint them dominant colors and put bible verses in them. So we will always have a place to go to to remember what we have and who we are.

What's been going on with C&M?
1. M is still not walking, he walks holding into everything but I mean the kid won't even stand on his own...I think he knows how much it secretly bothers me. I never compare my kids to yours; but no one ever told me how much you will compare them to their sibling. LAWD!

2. C will be 3! I am starting to plan his party and what he wants. he is so funny right now he knows about his bitthday so he tells us what he wants everyday...sometimes its legitimate studf and other times its things that mom and dad have that he thinks he he wants coffee for his birthday, and he wants a kitchen knife set, he wants a candle for his birthday. He cracks me up! He already picked out fire fighter cupcake kit that has the little flags and cute cups in it from tj max. I told him he already had a fire party last yr and so in response he says he wants a super hero "fighter pawrty". School is going well. He has a good report every class. His daddy did parent obligation day in which we are in charge of snack and drink and being the helper for the day. But to no surprise to us C would not let mommy go. I was perfectly fine with this because I put M back to sleep and took my pumpkin pop tarts and my HOT coffee to the perfectly quiet and hot bath. Than walked into the living room and cuddled up on the couch and watched the view.

3. NKOTB. Nuff said. I was nearly jumping up and down with pure excitement. I will be going to their concert also featuring 98* & B2men with my 4 cousins. Oh I am beyond excited. I have only been to two concerts ever. I have two more on my bucket list that are rascal flatts and Coldplay. #bestillmyteenageheart

4. We are also trying to change out baby stuff for shareable toys and furniture. We purchased a table and chair for the boys from ikea. We only bought one chair for now. M is already trying to steal that one. I'm not ready to add another to the mix.
I also found a lack coffee table in their damaged section that I am turning into a train/fire station table! It was only ten bucks. The storage boxes for the expedit fit perfectly under it. I'm going to get precut wood from lowes this week and add side onto the table so the fire house won't slip off the table.
4. I almost forgot! Mommy got new knives!! Oh and I got them half off @ SAMs club.
5. C finally got to play with his Christmas present from Santa! He had gotten a bounce ball but Santa didn't realize their was no pump in the box. So mommy went and bought a yoga ball and that yoga ball just happened to have a pump inside (I'm here for the kids. Ha ha). He has been bouncing on this thing for 3 days straight. I am in love with how much bouncing helps winter boredom. LOVE. I highly recommend this 7.99 purchase.

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