Wednesday, July 27, 2011


OK. so up until oh...lets go with TODAY our perfect (to us) 17 month old has been a loving, fun going into toddler stage "baby". And then at about 3pm today our sweet fun boy turned into cry every five minute demon child. And for all you moms out there ready to say...amanda, was he hungry? does he have diaper rash? or...ear ache? NO! We know our boy and this going to wake up from my nap today and see if my rents can handle me screaming, tossing my body on the floor like a well developed break dancer and see if they follow suit and freak out!!!!  Well low and behold mom and dad did not freak out! We took away night nihgt bear when he threw-no chucked it at mommy. And we even did not break a smile when he did his break dancing routine. SCORE one for the new parents!!! I know very very well there is a loooonnngg road ahead of us especially as the new one comes closer and closer to arriving. But if we can keep our cool and stick together WE GOT THIS!!!

On a side thinking about going into the thirty one business. Mama could use some extra cash ie more salon visits he he. I will be attending an open house (hopefully) to see if this is something I can do on the side! SOooo....check out their website and let me know if you would be interested in throwing a party?! their website is....

Everyone have a wonderful day!!

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