Thursday, September 8, 2011

So much to little time.

Hey all! So...we have had a busy week!!!! First of all the weekend was SO UNEVENTFULL. Mommy had to work Saturday, Sunday, Monday and a couple hours on Wednesday. Does not sound like much but 12 hour shifts...let alone 3 in a row @ the hospital can be nuts. Especially when the Labor Gods are not playing nice.  Imagine pregnant girl running up and down the halls with a patient on a bed. Luckily, the Preggo has not been the one on the bed, If i do not remember that I can not run the way I did months ago.

So, on a less complaining note...
I am so lucky to be building the relationships with some of the women I work with. I have never been really close to a lot of females so this is a little strange, but I love it. Because of some of those relationships...We help one another out with babysitting, and pay each other by "paying it forward". Friendship does not get much better. Trully.

WEDNESDAY: I went to work for a few hours and really felt like my brain was not in attendance. I was so nervous about our ultrasound. Most people think of the 19 week US as the gender US but working in L&D you learn that its to look and make sure everything is measuring up, the spine is completely fused top to bottom, inside the brain etc. L&D puts the life of an unborn child in check for you. I honestly did not care one bit about the sex. I needed to know that J and I made a so far healthy baby. AND WE DID!!!!  Everything was perfect! Thank you God for giving us this gift! I know there is still more time but this is still a big US. Yes, we did find out the sex...

Thurdsay: was a no good, yucky, boring day. J had to work in the morning, BUT would be home @ 9 because he signed up to take Florence, KY's Fire/paramedic exam. Lord please be with him and let him score well.
A bunch of us girls from work were supposed to go to the Cincinnati Zoo, but the rain was just too much. So we stayed in...went to Target (duh) and picked up another icing and a little onesie. I absolutely could not resist. This is what I have been working on most of the day. This is my first stacked cake. I would say for my first cake it isnt half bad. Considering I used a butter knife to smooth. lol

**really hope you cant see through the icing. I "caked" the icing on there!!**
                                                            awww....theres baby :)
                                                 I can not wait to tell everyone tomorrow!!!
Friday: we will have a jam packed day! Aunt Jessie is moving down here!!! She is going to UC! J is helping her move in with the rest of his family, C has a DR appt for his 18 month appointment and then the Reveal the Sex party @ 7p.

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