Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Moon dough & a bug.

Well it was another hot one today! I woke up to a condo that was almost 85 @ 7am!!! Unheard of.

So there are so many positives to being the only girl in your home, I'm sure I could list them all day...but there has always been two things that stuck out the most for me...1) spoiled. Purely spoiled. That one needs no explaining. And 2) I won't have to kill any bugs or whatever. Ever. Except for on the days when my husband is not home And the boys obviously are not old enough to kill for mommy. So being the strong woman I am, ha!! I nearly stepped on a water bug when we got up that morning. Of course I kinda freaked (oops) and so cayden looked at me like I had 2 heads. So I did what any adult would do and put a cup over it until I had the "balls" to dispose of him. Poor cayden decided that he was going to be Afraid of our new caged pet. Not going to lie it stayed in its cage for at least 3 hours. Give me a little credit, I will give my life for them and protect them till the end but...bugs are my limit!! Absolutely kidding. Don't judge me. So anyways, the whole time he refused to walk by our new pet! He would forget for a second but than once he layed eyes on this thing he would literally walk backwards and put his arm up for me to come Carry him across the danger zone :) he is too cute! So I finally picked up the cup and tossed our pet down the toilet and for the rest of the day he said "whered it goooo??" lol
We kept ourselves busy with me cleaning and Cayden playing out on the balcony. He kept wanting to take the play dough outside and I was not in the mood to scrape it off the cement so I referenced good old pinterest and found a recipe for moon dough! The real recipe has more ingredients, but I found one recipe that I could do! It was so simple to put together consisting of flour and baby oil. Although I don't ever have oil so I used vegetable oil!! HE HAD A BLAST! It is the messiest craft ever like serious it was everywhere, and I mean everywhere. He thought it was hilarious where some of this dough made it to lol. He played with this stuff for a good two hours it was so nice.

Once again j will be home in the morning and I work Thursday Friday. I just continue to pray god will notice our hard work and reward us with our dream home.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for your sweet comment! I appreciate that more than you know.

    I'm LOL at your 'bug incident' :-)
